Title: Untameable Rogue
Author: Kelly Hunter
Series: Bennett Family #4
Genre: Romance/ Harlequin Presents
Year Published: 2010
Rating: 3 of 5 stars
Author: Kelly Hunter
Series: Bennett Family #4
Genre: Romance/ Harlequin Presents
Year Published: 2010
Rating: 3 of 5 stars
Luke Bennett, former Navy, now a freelance bomb consultant. He has an
easy-going manner. He was referenced as ‘tiger’ and ‘warrior’. The warrior bit
fit with his job, and the tiger bit fit with his character, though I guess all
of Bennet clan referenced as tiger, too. His sense of rightness in so strong
hence he struggling to accept Maddy’s reason to marry her late husband. And
he’s so alpha-male that it’s hard to come to term that Maddy has more money
than him.
Madeline Delacourte, an Australian who come to Asia to look for her
brother. He then married to a wealthy older (way older) man to gain security. Because
she knew how it feels to live in the street, she tried to help street children
to find a better life. I like her enough. Just one thing, she make a rather big
deal about Luke’s job. I know it’s hard when someone you care about doing a
dangerous job for living. But if they who have the skill won’t do the job, then
who else?
Fourth book in the Bennett Family series. This is my first book in the
series because I didn’t know this book is part of a series. Luke Bennett, who
was on the off work, visit his brother Jacob in Singapore. Come Maddy, bringing
one of her street child, Po, to ask Jacob to take Po to the dojo. As expected,
Luke and Maddy attracted to each other. But Luke can get over how Maddy marry
someone to gain money. And Maddy can’t see how they can have a relationship
when Luke’s in Singapore just for a week and because his job is dangerous.
Stupid reason for me, the bit about his job. That’s part that makes it Luke.
And there’s no job without a risk, even if you’re a banker, accident can happen
anytime. She should be proud that Luke can do something important that can help
other people’s life. My favourite character is still Jacob Bennett, though.
He’s just so cute, caught in the middle between Luke and Maddy’s issue, when he
was all about peacefulness. I’m really curious what is his role in the previous
books :D
‘What you did was make me
see you, Madeline Mercy Delacourte, for all that you are, and every time I did
see you, I fell for you just that little bit more.’
Luke Bennett
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