Title : The Bridesmaid’s Best Man
Author : Susanna Carr
Series : -
Genre : Romance/ Harlequin Blaze
Published : January 1st 2013
Rating : 3 of 5 stars
Cole Foster, ex-cop-going-private-now. A year ago, he broke up with the
heroine, Angie, because he thought that Angie could do better than him. I know,
stupid reason, but a sweet one, nevertheless. This hero is kinda broke my
heart. Because his mother left him to start another life with her new husband,
he thought that there’s something wrong about him, that he is unloved. And that
happened when he was fifteen. What a tough life, to support himself from that
age. And the reaction from people around him is so annoying. Why were that automatically
had to be his fault? Why were they don’t think that maybe his parents was the
one in the fault? And even if Cole is a problem, his parent can’t just leave
him like that. But despite that whole episode, he turns out okay. He even joins
the police force because he wants to help people like him, people that
separated from theit families. Sweet, right?
Angie Lawson, a personal trainer. This heroine has a problem with her
self-confidence. Well, at least about her sexuality and femininity. She’s a
tomboy since a kid, her friends are male and no female friends for her. When Cole
broke things up with her, she’s devastated. She really opens herself to Cole,
and even ready to live with him, but then Cole left her. So she’s guarded to bare
herself again in front of Cole. She thought that she’s too bold and Cole want someone
sexier and more feminine.
The story opened with Angie at a bachelorette party at a strip club. She doesn’t
really get along with the bride, but she made the effort because the groom is
Angie’s best friend. Angie can’t believe her eyes when Cole, her ex-boyfriend
come out as one of the stripper. Turns out Cole is a private investigator now,
and he is doing an undercover job to investigate one of the bridesmaids. Cole got
an idea that Angie should help him, and Angie reluctantly agree. Maybe you
think that was a little assholeish of Cole to ask her a help after he broke her
heart. But he thought that’s for Angie’s sake. And, anyway, it helps to draw
them together. Cole’s biggest fault is that he can’t trust Angie about his
past, but I guess you can’t easily trust people when your own mother turn her
back on you. And Angie’s lack of self-confidence doesn’t help at all. This is
the first book I read from Harlequin Blaze, which said that the romance is
hotter than other Harlequin genre. But I’ve read Presents book which hotter
than this. However, one books can’t be the judge for the others. There’s also a
bit suspense element from this book. Don’t compare with books from Romantic
Suspense genre, but I think it’s a-okay.
“Hide as much as you want,
but it’s a waste of time. I don’t care if you are walking down a runway or
limping across the finish line. I will always see you as a strong and sexy
Cole Foster
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