Book Review: Get Lucky by Suzzane Brockmann

February 12, 2015

Title : Get Lucky
Published : March 2000
Rating : 5 of 5 stars

Lt. Luke ‘Lucky’ O’Donlon, the playboy of Alpha Squad of SEAL Team Ten. Actually this is the first book of the series that I read, so I don’t know his attitude in the previous books. I fell in love with Luke after reading this book. He’s just so charming and so cute. Brockmann can always make her characters so special, every character so different with each other, and so appealing. Like this playboy. After I read the previous books, I can see that Luke is rather annoying, actually. His goal is always woman and woman and woman. Doesn’t mean that he’s not good at his job, SEALs are always good at their job, high skill and all, and I won’t go there because it’d take all day to list their impressive skill.

Book Review: Taken by the Highest Bidder by Jane Porter

February 11, 2015

Title : Taken by the Highest Bidder
Author : Jane Porter
Series : -
Genre : Romance/ Harlequin Presents
Published : December 2005
Rating : 3 of 5 stars

Cristiano Bartolo, a Formula 1 driver. Not many Presents’s hero with this occupation. I seem to remember one, but he already retired. But Cristiano, despite he had an accident before, and seems to retired after that, but actually not. He is still active in racing, which become a problem between him and Sam, the heroine. At first, at his first appearance, he seems like an asshat. Forcing to separate Sam with her stepdaughter, when actually the stepdaughter was his aim.

Book Review: The Bridesmaid's Best Man by Susanna Carr

February 10, 2015

Title : The Bridesmaid’s Best Man
Author : Susanna Carr
Series : -
Genre : Romance/ Harlequin Blaze
Published : January 1st 2013
Rating : 3 of 5 stars

Cole Foster, ex-cop-going-private-now. A year ago, he broke up with the heroine, Angie, because he thought that Angie could do better than him. I know, stupid reason, but a sweet one, nevertheless. This hero is kinda broke my heart. Because his mother left him to start another life with her new husband, he thought that there’s something wrong about him, that he is unloved. And that happened when he was fifteen. What a tough life, to support himself from that age. And the reaction from people around him is so annoying. Why were that automatically had to be his fault? Why were they don’t think that maybe his parents was the one in the fault? And even if Cole is a problem, his parent can’t just leave him like that. But despite that whole episode, he turns out okay. He even joins the police force because he wants to help people like him, people that separated from theit families. Sweet, right?

Book Review: Unspeakable by Sandra Brown

Title : Unspeakable
Author : Sandra Brown
Series : -
Published : January 1st 1998
Rating : 3 of 5 stars

Jack Sawyer, a drifter. He came to Blewer after hearing that Carl Herbold escape from prison. Until about ten pages before the end of the book, we don’t know who he really is, what’s his reason coming to Blewer, what’s his connection to Herbold Brothers and Delray Corbett (heroine’s father-in-law), and why he felt responsible to help Delray. My curiosity was piled so high and I had so much expectancy that I felt being let down by how the story turn out. Well, at least by the Jack’s reason and connection to this Herbolds hullabaloo. For Jack’s character, I like him enough. Kinda cute, because he’s not really confident about himself, about his charm, about his charisma. He felt that he doesn’t deserve the heroine’s affection and love. And I always love when a man interact with a child, maybe because that could emphasize his soft side.
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