Title: The Konstantos Marriage Demand
Author: Kate Walker
Series: -
Genre: Romance/ Harlequin Presents
Year Published: 2010
Rating: 2 of 5 stars
Nikos Konstantos, greek billionaire. Five years age he was engaged to be
married to the heroine. But there was a feud between their family. Her father
really hate Nikos’s family, so he destroy Nikos’s family and business. Of course
that angered Nikos so he vow to ruin her family. He suceeded, of course. But when
Sadie came to him to seek help, he wants to take his revenge to another level. Not
just about business anymore, but to get back at her for hurting him by claiming
her as her bride. He won’t satisfied until personally punish her. Well, that,
and because he still desire her.