Title: The Italian's Wife
Author: Lynne Graham
Series: -
Genre: Romance/
Harlequin Presents
Year Published:
Rating: 3 of 5
Saverio ‘Rio’
Lombardi M.D. At first I thought that Lynne Graham finally writing a medical
romance because of the hero’s title. But even if he had a doctor title, it’s
never mentioned if he ever practices as a doctor. A bit disappointed about that
because I really want Lynne’s hero as anything other than a tycoon. But regardless,
I really like Rio’s character. I thought of him as cute. As far as I read, this
is the first LG’s hero who is not an asshat, not even a little. When he confessed that he felt less of a man when he saw his fiancĂ©e cheating with
another girl, my heart went for him. I truly love this hero :3